The Problem we Solve in the Market
The Otto Cycle engine has been the predominant internal combustion (ICE) for over a hundred years. Until the last twenty years or so, it has not improved in efficiency by more than a few percent. In fact, the Ford Model T had a 25 Mile per Gallon range, which is better than many cars and trucks even today.
However, our focus is NOT on cars and trucks, but on electrical power generation to address serious looming gaps in power grids, solar and wind renewables that only offer part-time power when the weather cooperates. Smart energy storage and microgrids have recently become an exploding business to address this escalating market demand.
The patent took 6 years to push through the patent office. When it was published on July 7, 2015 it was the first new ICE patent issued in over 30 years. This innovation targets doubling the torque with only half the cylinders. This means a 4-cylinder of this design can out-perform a typical V8. Just imagine how this will reduce the size, cost, materials for generating power.
Our series of various sized running prototypes are stunning examples of the dedication we have to proving and providing the world with a disruptive technology. With institutions such as the EPA continously seeking to reduce carbon emmissions and updating standards this licensable desisn with dramatically improved engine efficiency will help you meet tomorrow's standards today.
What Makes our Product Special
We have discovered a number of particular features of the Counterpoise
Bi-Radial Engine that are improvements in the way rotational energy is derived
from the burning of fuel in a hot air engine. Considering that the conventional
engine of today is wasting nearly three quarters of the energy developed on
heat, through the exhaust pipe and cooling systems. Engine designers are
excited about ANY improvement in engine efficiency. One percent is considered a
worthy goal on development of fuel, reduction of friction, and the resulting
decrease in emissions. Based off preliminary testing we hope to reduce greenhouse gases and expect far
more than just one percent improvement in efficiency.
A message from our Founder